Sex Crimes
If you have been accused of a sexual offense, or think you may be in the future, quality legal representation is a must. With these charges, the State often has no mercy, regardless of your lack of criminal history, positive character, or even evidence pointing toward your innocence.
The prosecution is under immense pressure to appear “tough” on these charges and to inflict as much punishment as possible. A mere allegation of a sex crime can ruin your life; a conviction is even worse. Often, they involve long prison sentences and a lifetime registration requirement, which is extremely difficult to follow to avoid going back to jail.
These cases can be legally complex and usually involve much more investigation and litigation than other cases. Often these cases have little evidence. A person can be convicted of a sexual offense without forensic evidence or eye witnesses. The allegation itself is enough to get a jury’s blood boiling. These are emotionally charged cases and you need an attorney who understands how to approach a case like yours.
Call us today for a free consultation if you or a loved one has been charged with a sexual crime or a failure to register offense.
A conviction can follow you for the rest of your life due to Florida’s sex offender registration laws. Too often, we see hard-working people charged with failing to register as a sex offender for things like not registering an email or social media account, not being able to afford to update their driver’s license address, or just simply not knowing what they have to report and when they have to do it.
However, there is hope. Attorneys Brewer and Wilson have extensive experience with this type of case from their time as prosecutors and also defending many people who have been charged with sex offenses. They know the tactics prosecutors use to get convictions and send people to prison in these cases. Brewer and Wilson are ready, willing, and able to fight back. While many defense attorneys don’t want to take on the challenge of defending sex cases, Brewer & Wilson is prepared to take on these cases.
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