


   Our criminal justice system in Florida includes many different misdemeanor charges. They carry less severe penalties than felonies. However, a misdemeanor charge is still a serious matter. A misdemeanor conviction can affect your freedom and affect your future with a criminal record.


   Misdemeanors can include assault, battery, petit theft, and resisting an officer without violence. They also include criminal traffic crimes such as driving while a license is suspended or revoked or leaving the scene of an accident.


Even a first-time offender technically faces county jail time on a misdemeanor. The fear of this causes many people to accept a plea bargain. However, many people, due to an oversight, or temporary lapse in judgment wind up in jail without bond on probation violations (jump to VOP page). Sadly, people end up behind bars because of a decision to quickly accept probation with either minimal consultation with an attorney or even none at all.


 Call us today for a free consultation if you or a loved one has been charged with a misdemeanor.

Although these are lesser crimes, they can still have a great impact on a person’s ability to get a driver’s license and stay employed. These cases often have consequences for a person’s driving record. You need an attorney who is familiar with the DMV processes and rules who can help guide you through them.


Attorneys Brewer & Wilson are experienced with misdemeanors on both sides of the courtroom. They know, for example, that misdemeanors are often hastily investigated. Often these cases are charged based on very little evidence. Time after time, people plead guilty or no contest to charges the State couldn’t possibly have proved in court. A plea bargain may be the right move in your case, but you should at least have an attorney investigate your options before making a life-altering choice.

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