Before Charges Are Filed
There must be few things as stressful as wondering whether the State will file criminal charges against you or not. If you think you are a suspect in a crime, or may be charged with something in the future, it is a good idea to be proactive.
It is never too early to consult with a lawyer about your rights and defenses.
It is even possible that if certain things were known to the government it could cause them not to charge an individual. If appropriate to the case, we can meet with the prosecutors to discuss the possibility not filing at all, or reaching some kind of diversion agreement with them to keep you out of the criminal system. If this is not possible, at least we can start early in building your defense in case you are ultimately charged. An early investigation by a seasoned attorney is critical whether you are eventually charged or not.
Witnesses and evidence proving your innocence may not be available once the charges are filed.
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